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More  'dream' cars, though some are the owners own.

Over 100 crews and their vehicles, 2, 3, 4, and more wheels, set of from the Italian town of Trieste on Monday 11th May.

Quite a sight to see as nine members of CCHMSC joined the crews as they climbed up from the coast into the hills to Opicina, and beyond.

A great route over new territory for many of us Scots, and possibly most of the entrants.

As with the CCHMSC Carrera Lockdown back in April we
have 10 questions each day to solve, some being real brain teasers.

To keep up the anticipation you only receive the route and questions for that day by email at the start of the day, just as we did on the Carrera Lockdown.

Lots of fun in the sun.


Graeme Gallaoway's Anglia
Trieste Opicina Historic Virtuale  - Entry List

Updated 14 May 2020